Trying to hold it together in a world that is falling apart ...trying to trust God with all the ravelling strings !
fall leaves
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
changing , re-arranging
We re-arranged the furniture , changes some curtains & rods out .
The weather has made a drastic change (for the better) . The a/c is off !
I got a major hair-cut .
DD is officially "in a relationship" .
DH is back to traveling after a little more than a month at home .
And I started a couple of new bible studies .
Did I mention change is usually not my fort'e ?!?
So ...I skipped menu - planning this week . And I am wishing I had just went ahead and done it . So I hope to be back on track next MPM .
SIGH ! I think I will de-stress and go make some jelly ! (LOL) yeah , I know :WEIRD !
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Week end ?!
We met with friends last night and had prayer with some really good , rousing discussion of scripture and events . There is SO much to pray about ! This must be the times like God was talking about in "Weary not"
Just wanted to pop in on my cyber friends ! I'll be back for MPM . And I have some pics to post too . :-) Ya'll get to meet a couple other of the fur kids !
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Kitchen Tip Tuesday
1 cup dry milk powder
1/3 cup hot water
1/3 cup sugar
3 T. butter (melted)
Directions:Combine all ingredients in a blender, layering wet and dry ingredients. Blend until smooth.
Found on
One of my new favorite sites !
Today I am making Muscadine JAM and probably doing something with more of the pears ...not sure what yet ! Any ideas out there ?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Menu Plan Monday

week-end up-date
Sat. evening we went to a small group meeting over in Dacula Park . It was fun ! Mostly kids ...but it's all Gods anyway . There were even some skaters that sat on the fringes for a while . And every one handled them being there well . Some people did not seem serious about wanting to be there but that is pretty much going to be in any function . And , of course , I try not to judge too . SIGH ...but it is hard ...I just have to remind myself only God know the motives of the heart .
Sunday our church had a special guest named Murray , who is a Messianic Jew . It was SO good . Very informative and right on time since we had just recently gone to Beth Hallel to see Paul Wilbur . By-the-way...if the opportunity ever presents it's self for you to see Paul Wilbur GO ! He is phenomenal in person !
And Sunday after church we came home and Rick discovered a leak in one of the pipes for the Hot Water Heater . SO ~ we had to make an un-planned trip to Home Depot and he spent quite alot of time working on that . SO we did not go anywhere in the evening , as then he needed to pack .
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Works for me Wednesday

And I felt pretty accomplished !
Here's the recipe I based the bread off of . Ummmm....
Italian Herb and cheese bread
1 1/4 cups tepid water
3 cups bread flour
1/2 cup shredded pepperjack cheese (I used real Asiago, 'cuz that's what I had)
2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
1 teaspoon freshly-ground black pepper
2 tablespoons powdered cheese (found in mac and cheese dinners)
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons active dry yeast
Place ingredients in the pan of the bread machine in the order suggested by the machine's manufacturer. Select White Bread or Basic cycle. Start.
This recipe yields a 1 1/2 pound loaf.
Monday, September 8, 2008
My first MPM

My very first posted menu !~Yeah
Sunday - Chinese after church
Monday-Red Beans and rice w/smoked sausage (I start with the Mahatma bag and add 1 can kidney beans and an extra cup of brown rice . Cook it all up in my Favorite CIS(cast iron skillet)I will also make a wonderful fruit salad to go along with it (recipe to follow)
Tuesday-Hamburgers , pasta salad , pinto beans with banana pudding for dessert( I made a huge one for a Labor Day cook-out and my dh hardly got any, so now he gets his own!)
Wednesday-(church night) Pasties with big glasses of cold RAW milk,1627,153169-230201,00.html here's the pasty recipe (I omit rutabagas)
Thursday-Chicken Ceaser Pitas served with Corn on the Cob . I will be trying Pitas from scratch for the first time . If they are as wonderful as I hope I will post the recipe later in the week!
Friday-Steaks with Baked Potatoes and garlic cheese bread (from the bread machine)
Saturday-Grilled cheese and homemade chicken or lentil soup (using honey wheat bread I made Sunday)
Fruit Salad
combine any friut you have on hand : we like diced apples,grape halves,mandrine oranges,sliced bananas,peaches,strawberries etc...
Make a sauce using 1/2 cup sour cream
and 2 tablespoons of dark brown sugar (more or less to taste)
mix sauce up well , spoon onto servings of fruit salad
Works great as a dip for strawberries and pineapple and looks lovely layered in fancy glasses with small cut fruits !
Have a great week ! May the Lord Bless and Keep you and make His face shine upon you !
Saturday, September 6, 2008

Kuduzs still in bloom ! It smells faintly like childrens Dimetapp . Fakey grape-ish .
DH and DD have been taking the "Omega Course" at IHOP all day . They should hit the door like a hurricane any minit now I better get off of here . I'll go inventory so I can make my Menu Plan . :-)
Ya'll have a great week-end !
PS No post on Sunday (for the most part)
Friday, September 5, 2008
Happy to report that today has been better . The young Prince has recovered from the mystery bug quite nicely . And I did get a bit done .
The dad man and the #1 daughter have a class in the morning , the Prince will be at his Grams and I will be A-L-O-N-E !! I do have errands to run (like Sams) but I will do something for just me too . Hummm....ABC is calling ....LOL > I definately need to find some something nice for me's that don't go to my hips ~
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Puppy power !
Next time I will try to get a picture of it . It was church night so we were in a hurry . Speaking of church , I wonder what ever we shall do on Wed now that the home group we were going to stopped meeting until January ! UGH !
Today I am going to try to get several loads of laundry done . And I have a new Craigslist find to go pick up ! I think I am addicted to Craigslist . Does anyone else have this problem ?