fall leaves

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Here we are at the end of the school year that marks the end of my homeschooling career. Sad and happy all together.I can hardly wait to see what God is going to do with this kid! Speaking of him...I have to share a funny story! Last week I found evidence that there had been a mouse in my kitchen drawers. Ewwwww...... I know! So I cleaned out the drawers(turns out said rodent has strange taste indeed!It had eaten propel packets toothpaste an emergen-C) Anyway....after cleaning and washing and throwing away and sanitizing the drawers I put back some stuff (like keys and measuring spoons) and went about my business. I have checked drawers often and only found evidence of rodent presence once.I congratulated myself on a John well done. Then... last night my DS (17) says that while he was home alone the other day he head something in the kitchen and went investigating. He tracked down the rustle to the drawer. He Yankee the drawer open and found the mouse. He grabbed a huge knife out of the sink and proceeded to try to stab the mouse, chasing it mercilessly around the drawer. He did not manage to hit it at all but now I suspect that that is the real reason the mouse has not come back! It had nothing to do with mycleaning efforts! Ha! I laughed so hard....almost as hard as my DH did when I said I was going to buy a live trap to catch the mouse! Are we a weird family or what?!? :-)

Monday, May 7, 2012

This week has been a trip! And not to anywhere I wanted to go! We had a fiasco with our dd(22). She is currently living with her bf (and yes she was taught that God doesn't approve therefore we can't either) anyway... Her BF put on FB that he was fixin' to get married again and put her name as it would be if they were married. Yep. I reacted. Actually I put out a plea for prayer over the situation. And then she reacted. And he made sure to declare us hypocrites...again. It's his fave word for my husband and I. Often with GD in front of it. This man is violent. She fled once out of fear and frustration. Then went back the next day. He's an alcholic , has had several DUIs and now she's drinking with him. She has chosen all the family curses we prayed so hard against. We are heart broken. So here we are with an even further damaged relationship to our dd. I sure have cried a lot of tears over this girl. And she's so clueless and so absorbed in her lifestyle of sin she doesn't want a clue. Sigh. Now today I was out in the garden and piddling around with my plants when this horrible scream broke the quiet serene birdsong . Turns out my Blueheeler was trying to kill my chihuahua. (Never can spell that!) My DH had come up with a tie up to keep the little guy in the pen while we are working out there(he's quite the escape artist) But he stretched out his run and got in the shed to see what the min-pin was after (it's a chipmunk) but his runner got tangled on a maddox in the shed and spun it around which made it hit the Heeler in the leg. He must have thought that he had gotten bit. It is bleeding! But he slung the little guy around and had him pinned by the throat. Man, it happened so fast! I was able to get to them before it became fatal. Praise God ! (Cause I'd have lost 2 dogs in one day!) My ds did run out to help. With a gun (of course) Between my screams and the dogs screams all he knew was someone was in trouble! He was doing school work in the house, Poor guy must have thought that someone was trying to steal his mama! LOL....yea....NOT! Sure looking forward to a better new week!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I haven't been able to change the design of my header but I did not have to enlist kid-help to get the blog name swapped over! Lol. DH is home for a nice 3 DAY weekend! Yay! We do have a lot to try to get done though. I would love for him to get some ground tilled. He wants to go order glasses (he's worn only contacts for about 10 years!) We have partting to go participate in to honor some young friends who are getting married on our anniversary. Yay! They are doing their best to do it Gods way. Love that! There is a bachelorette party at a painting studio....perhaps I can post a picture of what I create....if it isn't too hideous! Have a good weekend y'all!
May first! Yay! I am so excited about our anniversary this year. 22 years with my love. God has done amazing things! When we married we were both lost and sinful and selfish. I was only 19with a wild side that won out more times than not. Ppm placed bets on how long our marriage would last. The most generous estimate given was 6 months. Really. We made a lot of mistakes.we hurt eachother alot.somewhere around year 8 9r 9 we were headed for divorcement. But God...that bears repeating ....BUT GOD...God stepped in. Through an inexplicable series of events I came to know Christ as Savior. I gave my life to Him and He truly made me all new. With in a few month my hubby came to recommit his life to the Lord. I will say it hasn't always been easy BUT GOD has made it so worth it...to God be the glory!