fall leaves

Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday's Five Fave #3

This week I have looked for what my 5 faves would be all week ! LOL . It was a refreshing way to approach things .
1. Whan last summers shorts still fit ! LOL
I got out all the summer clothes and was pulling on the shorts with trepidation ! I was sure they would not go up ! But they did ...and they are not tight , just comfy ! Yay !

2. Having gran-pups ! Our sons Pitt-bull had 8 pups this week . They are ugly and cute all at the same time . I will try to post some pics on here soon .

3. Things that work as advertised . We are in high pollen season here and everything is yellow . I bought one of those swiffer dusters and it really did pick the pollen up and hold on to it ! My fave is how well it did the TV and all the little nooks and crevices in the back . Good product !

4. Coupons for things I really need ! This week I had a $3 coupon on dog food and $1 off the swiffer duster mentioned in #3 ! I am getting good at looking for printable coupons on line too . The Avenue has a $10 coupon which I think my daughter will use today . They have the best "foundation garments" there ! more on that later too !

5. Watching things grow ! I have 9 tomato plants on the window sill ...almost ready to go to the garden . I also have some new baby plants poking up . The wonderful , new leaves still have seeds on them ...it looks like they are praying ! Ahhh...love that !

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend ! Be looking for what makes your heart smile next week . It really does change your attitude ! :-)


Unknown said...

I love when products work too! I have slight allergies..but enough to knock me nuts somedays!

Puppies...how neat!

Have a great weekend

Jerralea said...

Yay for last season clothes that fit this season. I haven't pulled out my capris yet, and I am worried about fit, too ...

I've recently started couponing. I do love saving money!

ham1299 said...

Great list! I love this meme - how it makes me focus on the positive! :-) It's nice to meet you!

Karyn said...

You are so right about how your whole perspective on life can change when you live every day LOOKING for the things that make you smile. It's a great way to live!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Anything that helps with allergies is a real blessing!

Oh, I love saving money, too.

I'm a big fan of FFF, too -- really helps you to see your blessings, doesn't it?

Happpy weekend!

Susanne said...

#1 was awesome! That definitely would be a favorite for me. I always approach the the trying on of the shorts each year with great trepidation! LOL.

I love when products work like they claim too. I've found the Swiffer stuff pretty good.

I have to say I have never seen a pit bull puppy but there has pretty much never been a puppy I didn't love. :v)

Willow said...

Oh, Puppies! How sweet! Looking forward to seeing the photos.

Our tomato plants (seven of them) are in the garden bed now. We're hoping the peppers will grow enought this week so we can transplant them next weekend!

Have another happy week!