fall leaves

Monday, April 6, 2015

Simple Womans day book/ April 6

I haven't done this in quite some time and I must say ... I have missed it ! Miss Busy keeps me BUSY!  So here goes!

Outside my window ... Spring has sprung ! And today is all about those April showers , though I must say the "may flowers" are popping already too. :-)

I am thinking - About dinner ....sorry , rather shallow , lol ...but it is smelling SO good ! Nothing fancy . Frozen pizza and leftover ribs. The ribs were so delicious! I will try to find the link for the recipe . It is all done in the oven in foil. No mess, no hassle ! My hubby said he wants them that way every time now . I guess I will have to start watching for good sales on ribs now!

I am thankful - that Both my children started a new job today! They have both been needing something different and they both are making more money than the previous jobs they held. All Praise to God !

I am wearing - a cute , comfy track suit. Black and pink . I had to be up at 5 to take my hubby to work because his truck is in the shop. So it had to be EASY ! LOL Yes , I am fully aware that some people do this every day . I haven't had to in a very long time.

I am creating - A lot of things with my essential oils . I might be a tad bit OCD about it ! LOL I have cleaners , replacements for some OTC meds , air fresheners , laundry stuff . My husband said I have to start labeling them . Too many spray bottles .

I am going - to be taking my husband to the airport this week . I hope to make a brief foray to the very large farmers market that is in that area .

I am reading - Well... some antique recipe books and blogs. I have found some interesting info and a couple recipes to try . Here is one that I will be making -

Beat the whites of nine fresh eggs to a stiff froth, then mix with it fifteen spoonfuls of finest white sugar, and five or six drops of essence of lemon. Drop them on paper with a teaspoon, sift sugar over them, and bake them in a slow oven.
"Directions for Making Cake," American Recipes from 1864.

A peek into my day -

In the garden - Just a vague plan . I want to at least have a couple tomatoes and some cukes.
And , gosh , I hope it happens this year ! 2 whole years with out a garden ! Sigh . last year was just too hard .

Best close out . I have to clean up from the baby being here . It has been a very long day . And the next one will be starting in NO TIME ! :-)

If you guys enjoyed the day book idea go here to visit many more ! And hopefully you will jump in and play along if you haven't yet !

Blessings blog friends ! You are loved and prayed for !
                                                                                    Lora Lee


Jodi said...

Yay for new jobs that pay more!!! Your grandbaby is a cutie!! Have a great week!

Ellie said...

Congratulations on your kids getting better jobs, that is great! We are praying the same for our son who is 20 and our son in law. Oh yes, there are many times I have to take my hubby in to work bright and early in the morning, and I am afraid I will scare someone half to death, lol! Your grandbaby is so sweet! My grandson is almost 14 months, and when he comes over, I am never sure what exactly has happened to my house! have a great week!

Lora Lee said...

Ellie, my son is 20 as well! And my grand daughter is 15 months. I feel like we could sit down and have coffee like old friends. :-)

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

Sounds like a full and lovely life. May God provide everything you need and protect you and your loved ones.

peggy, the simple woman said...

What a wonderful, "I am thankful" Thank you for taking part in the daybook!

Jennifer said...

Your name caught my eye because my daughter shares your first name - and there aren't that many of y'all!

I am just beginning to learn about essential oils and am looking forward to making some of those things you talked about.