fall leaves

Sunday, September 28, 2014

The heavens declare the glory...

We took  the prince out of a nice steak dinner last night to celebrate his 20th birthday. Mr Wonderful is going to be out of town on the exact day . 
We got there after a G game so it was busy and there was a wait. But God gave me a gift by reminding us of His omnipresence. My hubby had made several remarks about what a "sad" day it seemed. Thick grey clouds hanging low. But as we were sitting there waiting on our table the sky cleared up and the late sun showed through. It was beautiful! Mr. Wonderful got his happy sky, I got to see a reminder that God is , and we're the only creatures who ever doubt it. For even the heavens declare His glory. (And after a few glitches, the prince did indeed get his steak) :-)

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