fall leaves

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Day Book entry 9/15/2014

I am glad to be joining the Simple Womans Day Book again . And many thanks to Ms. Peggy for hosting this event ! You can see the other bloggers who are participating by following this link HERE .

I am sorry that I am posting a day late ... yesterday was a very crazy day here and I just didn't have time to post .

Outside my window - it is cool and wet. We have gotten a lot of rain in the last week and it has brought with it an early fall coolness that is a lovely foretaste of the season to come. But it is lovely to enjoy while everything is still green and full of life!

I am thinking - that I need to clean and declutter downstairs. "stuff" has piled up while I was too busy to notice and now it is just terribly jumbled.

I am thankful - for my husband getting to work close to home this week ! It is a rare treat indeed. (it also means I get to cook real dinners and I do enjoy that.

I am wearing - still in my PJs . I knew if I dressed and did makeup first the day would be off and running and I would never get to post this week.

I am creating - A football wreath for my son-in-law. It is just a burlap football with his team (WV) . I will try to post a picture when I get done with it.

I am going - To Walmart to put a layaway on for Christmas. I have a couple big ticket items on my list and I figure this way I secure them and someone else gets to store them !

I am wondering - What to make with the porkchops tonight . Maybe broccoli and baked sweet potatoes. And some kind of bread. :-)

I am hoping - My dad gets some answers to his health decline and that the doctors have hope and not only despair.

I am learning - that my dear hubby is a treasure ! I love that man . But I continue to learn and even re-learn more and more about him. He is both so strong and so vulnerable . He is still jealous and holds onto things I have long since forgotten. And yes, that can be good and bad (and frustrating) . But as a package deal , he is a blessing . He is so strong , dedicated and determined . So much of what I am not! Like God knew us or something ! LOL

I am reading - like 4 books at once. I have a post EMP book that I like going , I picked up Harbinger and got sucked into it , re-reading DEMON : a memoir , And a container gardening book. ADD at its finest there . LOL I do this to myself all the time. No wonder my brain is tired right ?!

My favorite quote this week :
This is my fave right now for many reasons. Mostly because I need it ! :-)

I enjoy the Day Book link up and hope y'all do too. Rememer to go HERE to find the other posts . Blessings ! Lora

1 comment:

Jerralea said...

"Snap out of it!" I like that! Sometimes we just need to say it and go on.

I loved baked sweet potatoes with pork chops. I also like them with bbq chicken.

I do think God puts together couples with opposite qualities so that we can become one person with everything we need.

Good visit with you today!