fall leaves

Monday, May 18, 2015

Day Book for 5/18/15

Todays Day Book - 05/18/15

Outside my window- It actually just started storming. It has gotten very dark and omnius looking . Lots of thunder and lightening . Beautiful ! It always makes me think of when my youngest was little and threw his little head back and said " I hear ya God , but it I just hear thunder. WHat are you saying?" - Wow , with the faith of a child , AMEN ?!

I am wearing - black yoga capris and one of my favorite Cato shirts. I bought it for a wedding several years ago and wore it with a long skirt. Now it is a whatever shirt. Good colors , good fit , and it is that fabulous material that can be in a basket for a week and look great when you pull it out to wear.

I am thankful for- my hubby getting some vacation time ! And time to allow his body to transition shifts easier than the other transition! (and Memorial day gives him one extra day!)

I am thinking - that I need to make a packing list so I don't forget stuff for our leadership retreat this week.

I am praying - about our house estimates . Still haven't got any numbers back yet. And our daughters job. She is needing a new one , and I guess her attitude. The tighten the belt idea would be helpful and reduce stress. I try to say "Not my circus , not my monkeys" but is kind of is so.... I can't change a lot on my own but I can certainly pray !

I am working on - several ideas . Not much action though.

In my kitchen - ground beef thawing . I need to pre-cook it tomorrow so I can make chili when it comes our turn to cover luch on Thursday. We are doing a baked potato bar. :-) Not too complicated , I will have to bring both crock-pots.

On my reading pile- I am reading book 2 of the outlander series. I have never read them before , which considering they are my preferred time/era/location AND they deal with time travel , is pretty amazing . LOL I was even given book 1 once and I couldn't get interested . Go figure!

In the garden - Got the pond filled . The grass got cut today , it looks very nice ! Roses and azelas are in bloom, THe wild black berries and domestic raspberries look wonderful so far !

Plans for the week - our leadership conference. Trying to just enjoy some down time.

A peek into my day and my favorite quote are combined this week (This is my grand daughter Beaulah Grace)-
Have a wonderful week y'all !

Make sure to visit some of the other blogs linked up HERE. It is such a fun look at what is going on in beautiful, fun, crazy, decorated, messy, busy or quiet homes all around the country !


Paula said...

Happy we shared the same Bible verse. Lovely blog here!

Jodi said...

Love your picture quote! Have a great week!

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

Sounds like a busy day and life!