fall leaves

Friday, December 14, 2012

My word,it has just been crazy here lately! We have our 23yo staying here (with her dog) . We found we had a possum vacationing in our garage ..DH and I taught at a marriage conference last weekend. And the young buck got a temp. Job that I was having to run him back and forth to. This week we had an election, which monkey wrenches the whole week. And my car blew the water pump. So today I have been " forced to stay home! And happily! I have made some serious headway in our room. It's supposed to be a sanctuary. I have been guilty of letting it be a dumping ground, pre-yard sale looking catastrophe. Trying to change that!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Sometimes a "disaster" is a blessing in disguise. Hope all the "ughs" resolve themselves. :)