What's going on in my kitchen this week .... lots of raw veggies ! We are all helping out at VBS and they are making some food there . Not all of it can/will we eat so I have sandwich stuff . Trying to make smoothies in the morning . (Almond milk, frozen mixed fruit, banana,ice, sometimes flax seeds , coconut oil...whatever!) I got veggies at a stand this week-end and a few more (like celery) at the store. If they are available they will get eaten! We are also in a heat-wave here so if I do make a full dinner I will be using my new crock-pot !
Every time I try to .... send cards out I get them written but hardly ever get them mailed !If the thought is what counts I am good ! LOL But I am highly suspicious that my friends and church family would love to actually get a card ! :-/
Thinking very heavily on this right now... Summer camp ! I am working up examples and playing with craft ideas . We are all emailing back and forth about all the details and such . It is getting exciting !
I wish my Mother or someone had told me that ... laundry NEVER ends ! I was not taught to keep house. My mom kept house well but she felt it was her job . I was an awful kid too so I doubt I would have been teachable if she tried !
I am determined to ... keep trying to make more of what we eat from scratch . Weeding out as many harmful additives as possible ! Esp. MSG . I would like to scale back on eating out too but that's how my family likes to celebrate and such . And it's just plain too easy ! I just told my DH that I want to plan weekend food similar to a camping trip . Do as much prep ahead of time as I can so it throws together easily and quickly . I am going to try freezing some breakfast burritos and extra muffins too !
That's all for this week ! :-) Ya'll leave a comment if you stop by and don't forget to go by Christianhomekeeper.com to see the other posts ! Just follow the link <-----