fall leaves

Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday's Five Fave

This week I had to think a little for my 5 faves ! The stomach flu has been hitting us hard for 2 weeks . Hubby has it now ...sigh .

#1 . Still having my precious mama ! I love her , she is a friend and such a great grandmom !

#2. Proving ppl wrong ! My hubby and I celebrated 20 years of marriage on Wednesday. The longest ppl gave us was 6 months . (we were both a bit of a train wreck then) And by Gods Amazing Grace we are saved , raising godly & good kids and more in love today than ever !

#3. Knowing that God promises that "this too shall pass" . Most virus ills are short in their course . And we really needed to remind ourselves of that lately ...at 3 am ....throwing in another set of blankets.....

#4. Air Conditioning ! It was really hot in here yesterday and I turned the air on today . With hubby sick I hope the coolness will help him rest . (GA is really humid right now)

#5. My sweet dog , AbbyJean . She has comforted us all during the sickness . She is my friend and my more when my hubby is gone . She even encourages me to walk more . How can a 12 lb dog be so great yet so bossy ??) LOL

Ya'll feel free to comment ! I know I am LATE today ...but hopefully a few will stop by ! Have a wonderful Mothers Day


Gabe said...

We all had the yucky stomach flu last week. . .it hit me the hardest. . .Augh!

Hope you are all feeling well soon.

Enjoy the hot weather. It is only 45 today here in Wisconsin.

Gotta love May.. .hot one day cold the next!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Hope you'll all be better soon! It's great that you were able to find blessings in a yucky week.

Happy weekend!

Susanne said...

So sorry you are all sick. Hope everything settles down soon and everyone is all healthy.

Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby.

Willow said...

Happy Anniversary! I think every marriage that succeeds to twenty years is a testament of God's grace.

Please keep that virus in Georgia. Don't put it on the non stop flight to LAX! I don't have time to be sick! Hope you're all well soon.

Happy Mother's Day!

Karyn said...

Happy Anniversary and congratulations on proving people wrong! God is Good.

Hope y'all are feeling better soon!

I hope to be able to be thankful for my AC one day soon as well - so far, though, we have had very unseasonably cold weather...still need the furnace.

Have a good week