This has been quite the month ! The bible study wraps up this week . And tho' it has been wonderful I will be glad for the day back at home . We were meeting Tuesdays from 10am-noon (but I rarely got home before 2pm) And Sunday 4-6 . But my ds has been having band practice and stuff from 5:30 - 8pm so I would just go to the near-by Target or Publix (usually Target , since that one has a coffee shop !) which puts us home at 8:30 ish.
(the new picture is from our Valentines dinner!) It wasn't from this month but I couln't resist throwing it in there !) OK , on to this months adventures.....
The 13th was my moms BD . Sweet 69 ! LoL ...we all went to a lovely Italian dinner and then went back to her house only to have to call 911 a half hour later . She had been having some chest pain episodes but didn't really want to have to go to the ER . We took a lovely (NOT) ambulance ride . They admitted her and the next day did a heart cath . During which they found an 80% blockage so they put in a stent right away . She was mad no one asked her if she wanted it done ... but I think once she recovers she will get over that part . She has not been smoking since that day . So we think that's awesome ! She goes to the cardio-doc Wed so we are praying for a good report !
DD had her court date for the biggie ticket she got . It was expensive and I pray she learned well from the experience and I am glad it is over . She was able to procure her own auto ins. since that was finished. So we officially got her off of ours today . It has been hard watching her make some wrong choices and face the consequences but all we can do is love her thru it . We are praying that the stalker shows his true self before she gets in real trouble there . And we are praying for repaired relationship with my mom over some of the hurt that has come about . My folks think we have been so wrong . But they never gave us even one second to tell our side and defend our actions . I have been hurt and disappointed over that but not much I can do . Esp when we are trying not to stress out a heart patient , ya know !
I bought a used sewing machine for cheap off of CL . Now I am praying it works long years very well ! I hope to show-off some fun creations & re-makes on this blog and maybe turn it into something I will use more and maybe others might enjoy too . :-)
Better go: DH has a long week out this time and I am hoping to make some positive changes in the house to surprise him with some homeyness ! Maybe some I can post here ! LOL
Blessings one and all !