fall leaves

Saturday, July 27, 2013

There have been so many days that I have thought...."oh,I should be blogging this!" and the moment escapes me . Mostly because I don't really care for android phone blogging. Sheesh....
So because of my fickleness it has , once again,been way too long since I have been on this blog!

Lately I have been finding it very theripudic to "empty my brain" onto a paper list so I can rest instead of having things vie for thought , memory and processing in my mind . (Especially as I am trying to fall asleep!) So I guess I could almost as easily do that here ! Hmmm....I'll think on that,
My last post was on how exausting weddings can be ! And now they have been married for almost a month ! :-)
It was a lovely wedding ! God was so kind in keeping the rain away for us. Many freinds were coming to the wedding and saying that it was raining at their house , just a few miles down the road. They did a different sort of reception , They asked guests to bring a dish to share and the recipe for that dish . And it was a rousing sucess! Who knew?! We had many people tell us it was their favorite wedding they had ever been to . It was outside,fairly casual. The "dinner on the grounds" reception was wonderful. Better than any catering company could have done ! 100 people brought their best dishes to share ! Not that I really got to eat any of it . Mother of the bride and all that. You understand , right ?
Anyway , after a month of wedding rush and the last week being wedding crush we got the lovely couple shipped off to the beautiful mountains of TN . They spent a lovely week doing nothing but what they wanted to! Hiking , shopping, sleeping in etc... Mean while back at home Mr Wonderful and I were cleaning up and corralling all the new brides left-overs to help make moving out easy on them when they returned . And we were also shifting into full speed ahead CAMP MODE!
I had craft shopping to do . Packing to do .  And plenty of planning and praying to do!
A scant two weeks later we were at Holiness Camp meeting ! Which,all glory to God, went well. Mr. Wonderful and I got along well and worked together well. We have 2 weeks living in an 18x 20 room with a small bathroom and dorm size fridge! With 2 weeks worth of clothes,craft supplies,food,snacks,coffee etc.... I brought the Keurig this year and we LOVED having it there! That and the bullet blender were the most used things we brought!
And ....Drum roll please...........................We are going to be grandparents! :-) I am so excited! She is due Christmas day ! We find out what the baby will be (we hope) in 3 weeks . I am trying to hod off on buying baby stuff until then but it sure is hard! I see so many cute things on CL and the FB yard sale groups!
SO ....you know I will certainly be posting more about baby as this thing rocks along ! LOL I already can't wait to hold him or her (general idea is leaning toward BOY) and wondering what this little one will look like . It's a real wild card ! Could be blond,red or dark! Hazel ,blue or brown! Seriously!
Better be off for now. I have several things to get done and none of them have got done with me on here !
Blessings! Lora